Let it Shine

Do you remember learning the song, “This little light of mine” as a child?  “Hide it under a bushel.  Oh No! I’m going to let it shine…”  This video is a version of that old Sunday school favorite from a band called Addison Road.  I love the message of this song.  I especially like the line that says, “Don’t forget whose child you are!”

Just last week, I gave my students a mirror, a “love letter from God,” and played a song for them.  The song’s message was affirming and uplifting – “You’re wonderful just the way you are.”  I then asked my students to take a hard look into that mirror and to answer the question, “Who are you?”  As adults, we often have difficulty putting that into words.  The kids did not!  “A child of God.” “God’s special creation…” – I got several responses similar to these from twelve and thirteen year olds.  Wonderful!!

Today’s saint of the day is Blessed Claudio Granzotto.  Never heard of him?  Me either!  What struck me about him though was his gift – art.  I’m always preaching to the kids about how God has given each of us gifts.  Our job is to hone those gifts, and to find out how He wants us to use those talents to honor Him – and to bring others to Him.   Claudio used his gift of sculpture to make beautiful artwork that would draw any observers heart toward God and eyes toward heaven.

We may not all be talented artists, but can all use whatever it is we do to bring others to Christ – to shine a light in the darkness of our world.  If you are a lawyer, be a good, faith-filled lawyer.  Advocate for worthy causes.  If you are a doctor, use your skills to heal – both physically and spiritually, by witnessing to your patients with your life, and praying for them.  If you are a mom or dad, try to live a holy life, and be the best parent that you can be with God’s help.  I find that a kind word, or greeting when warmed by a sincere smile does wonders for fellow weary travelers on this journey called life.  It adds a spring to the step of the”Smiler” as well!  Spread these lavishly in the home (because charity begins there), in the workplace, at the grocery store, at the ballpark or bank – everywhere you go!!  Can you imagine how wonderful the world would be if everyone were “shining?”

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”  Matthew 5:16

For you, Mrs. M. – You are a light in my life!


About danardoyle

I am a Catholic, working wife and mother. I have three children ages 17, 23 and 30. I am extremely busy, as you can imagine. I aim each and every day to put God first in my life, to teach my children the Faith, to be a supportive spouse, keep the house in order, and do my job outside of the home well, too. That's an impossible task - without Divine intervention! Here, I hope to share my triumphs and struggles with other working moms in the same boat. I will share the tools I have discovered to making it all work - most days!
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