Leaping Lizards… and Other Stuff

An impromptu play date with my two youngest kids provided much-needed relaxation for us all this afternoon.  We left the school campus and splurged on a few snowballs (flavored, shaved ice) – the first of the season!  Then we went off to the lakefront to PLAY!  On our journey, we picked up an unusual hitchhiker that hung on to our minivan for the longest time.  This amused the kids and me to no end!  After riding with us through several blocks and stop signs, our green friend was blown off of the car by a sudden gust of wind.  Oh, I do hope that he made it to the grass safely!

Once we arrived at the lakefront, the kids and I sat on the wall and watched as the waves tumbled toward us.  We swung together on the tire swing until we got dizzy.  The kids climbed a big oak tree.  While I didn’t work up the courage (or audacity) to climb the tree in my work clothes, I did enjoy taking lots of pictures of two of my favorite subjects!  Lastly, the kids and I got back into our car to go home.  We turned up the radio and sang along like rock stars!  We rolled the windows down all of the way. We let the wind flip and feather our hair into tangled messes.  It was truly time well spent!

About danardoyle

I am a Catholic, working wife and mother. I have three children ages 17, 23 and 30. I am extremely busy, as you can imagine. I aim each and every day to put God first in my life, to teach my children the Faith, to be a supportive spouse, keep the house in order, and do my job outside of the home well, too. That's an impossible task - without Divine intervention! Here, I hope to share my triumphs and struggles with other working moms in the same boat. I will share the tools I have discovered to making it all work - most days!
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2 Responses to Leaping Lizards… and Other Stuff

  1. Tena Belsom says:

    How funny-and what a cool memory. Truly Dana, you have a great eye, and I think, a gift for photography. I especially love the interesting angle of the image with the kids. It doesn’t hurt that they’re so darn cute :).

  2. Pingback: Anoles in the Blogosphere |

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