Reflection on the Readings for Sunday, October 25, 2015

Readings for Sunday, October 25th

imagesIn the gospel, Jesus healed the blind man who showed great faith.  The man’s sight was restored, but was he the one that was really blind?  What about the crowd who was so annoyed by Bartimaeus calling out to Jesus?  They may have been able to see physically, but the eyes of their souls were closed to Bartimaeus – and possibly even to Jesus.  Perhaps the miracle was for the benefit of the crowd even more than it was for the blind man himself.

What is it that we have difficulty seeing?  What are we blind to – either intentionally or subconsciously?  What in us is really in need of healing?  Do we have the faith and the courage to ask Jesus for spiritual healing, or are we too proud?

Do we have difficulty seeing Christ in others?  How about the person who cut you off in traffic or someone who has treated you with aggression or lack of consideration?  Do we see only at surface level, or do we take the time to see deeper?


About danardoyle

I am a Catholic, working wife and mother. I have three children ages 17, 23 and 30. I am extremely busy, as you can imagine. I aim each and every day to put God first in my life, to teach my children the Faith, to be a supportive spouse, keep the house in order, and do my job outside of the home well, too. That's an impossible task - without Divine intervention! Here, I hope to share my triumphs and struggles with other working moms in the same boat. I will share the tools I have discovered to making it all work - most days!
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