Extending Easter Joy

I read this this morning and wanted to share:

“Let all go this Eastertide.  Loosen your hold on this earth, its care, its worries, even its joys.  Unclasp your hands, relax, and then the tide of Easter Joy will come.  Put aside all thought of the future, of the past.  Relinquish all to get the Easter sacrament of spiritual life.  So often man, crying out for some blessing, has yet such a tight hold on some earth-treasure that he has no hand to receive Mine, as I hold it out in love.  Easter is the wonder-time of all the year.  A blessing is yours to take.  Sacrifice all to that.”

from God Calling by A.J. Russell

About danardoyle

I am a Catholic, working wife and mother. I have three children ages 17, 23 and 30. I am extremely busy, as you can imagine. I aim each and every day to put God first in my life, to teach my children the Faith, to be a supportive spouse, keep the house in order, and do my job outside of the home well, too. That's an impossible task - without Divine intervention! Here, I hope to share my triumphs and struggles with other working moms in the same boat. I will share the tools I have discovered to making it all work - most days!
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2 Responses to Extending Easter Joy

  1. Thanks for posting this. It’s uplifting and fresh.
    In Christ

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